Personal data that we collect:

Contact details

This information will be used to confirm your booking and send out necessary information about your course. Upon successful completion of your Day Skipper or Coastal Skipper course; your name, contact information, date of birth, certificate number and issue date will shared with the RYA through a secure web portal on This data will be stored on the RYA’s central database. This information allows the RYA to document your qualification, to update any records they may hold for you, and to verify or replace your certificate if required. For further information on how the RYA will deal with your data, please see the RYA’s privacy policy at
On successful completion of all other courses, your name, certificate number and date of issue will be stored for up to 7 years. This information allows us to verify the integrity of your certificate and replace it if required.

Student Records

aegeanMode will document your training to include name, contact information, certificate number, date and course result, instructor, ports visited and mileage. If you are not in favor of your details being stored then you may request for them to be deleted. However, neither the centre nor the RYA will be able to replace or verify your certificate in the future should this request be made.

We will retain the personal data you provide for administrative purposes of (including certificate replacement or advice about continuing your training). You can request the removal of your contact information at any given time. SRC exam papers will be stored for up to 5 years in accordance with RYA requirements.


We will also send you message to you as to ask for your feedback. This is required by the RYA and helps us to improve our service to you and others. We might pass on your feedback to your instructor and the rest of the team. This is a great way of passing on praise share your feedback and remarks on the experience. In these cases, we are careful with how this information is shared and of course you can always leave your feedback anonymously. The RYA may contact students if necessary for quality assurance of RYA training or for instance in the investigation of a complaint or incident. In these situations the information is used only for the requested purpose and is not processed in the RYA central database.
Your feedback is collected by secure providers and a request will be sent to your personal email after the end of the course.

Special Requirements

You will have the chance to inform us about any special requirements you may have, such as precarious medical condition, mobility issues or educational special needs. You can inform us about them when you make your booking and they will be kept along side your contact information. You will also have the choice to provide us with this information when you arrive and it will be deleted once the course is completed . Do not refrain from informing us about them at your earliest behest in order to plan your training and tailor it around your needs.